Forces-We find this situation to be interesting and with each passing moment, more direct in its application. To work in this area and to work with the dedication takes the strength and the harmony of purpose. We have stressed dedication of purpose comes from within and must be developed -from an inner part, rather than an exterior part. All this is in time taken care of. There are areas in this area sections in the changing process. Many strange forces of change have been upon us. We are now ready for your questions.
Isis: The foremost question an my mind is whether we should bring down the group at this point, the whole entire group, or should we go to the emergency operation? Should we send out four, should we send out Mark and David to work, maybe Beaura, or whatever else we should do?
The Channellors: We find the situation and conditions as stated to be of a concerning nature. We also would establish the fact that all means and purposes and positions are at hand to correct this outward flow. Everything is in its inward and outer parts ready and available to sustain and create such losses and profits. We would stress the factor of the spiritual nature that the prayers and meditations must be in consignment with the force, and if that force becomes strong, then the force for the material sustenance on the earth becomes strong as that is the truth. We would find a certain set plan that would benefit all alike, and the plan would be harmonious to growth and exceptional to speed element Plans were created to help other plans. We would sense a stressing factor that is no longer necessary a stressing factor. We would advise that the attitudes be in a most positive manner, and corrections in such a way that only positive actions would stand. Failure or negative actions cannot have its place in this consciousness. What could be done could be a series of plans: the first plan is the sending of the force that is already here, that is of Hark, that is of Hope Island, and that is of Beaura and of David in a force of receiving adequate jobs. The second plan would be for Mark and what would be David and Beaura far adequate jobs. The third plan would be for Hark and Beaura for adequate jobs. The fourth plan should take place in a month and a half, and that would put you roughly in the end of March the beginning of April, that is for the entity Ninai to receive guidance and help and adequate plan and preparation in storing and coming into view an adequate plan. We would also suggest for this entity to deal with chemicals and food items, corporations. Also, we would inform of a personal business level dealing with fine arts and works. We would also suggest for the entity Ruth to stress the factor of coming and immediately applying for jobs dealing with school preparation or better in regards, what would be called, Food clericals or still in strength, there would be -found in certain school -functions positions of bookkeeping ad records. We would also apply the strength of the -Force in selling of merchandise in corporations. This could be put into o1an that Mark and the entity Ruth, with aorg side later on the entity Ninai applying also with the entity Beaura for outside jobs, each allocating to positions that they are well needed. As far as the house in the New York area this could maintain its low until the testing o+ this particular segment could be analyzed, putting you in the month of June or the end of May. At this point we would be able to give you a direct decision and operation of the Final and, what we would call, settling reactions. We would advise that there would be changes up and down. There could be a permanent change -For moving on into this area at the end o+ June by all members of the group. Question.
Isis: Thank you very much.
The Channellors: Remember that it isn’t as bad as it seems, that the mental attitude attracts situations. Things shall work out if a positive reaction is upheld.
Isis: Thank you very much.
Hope Island: What was the type 0+ communication that I was having when I was in the bathroom upstairs, somehow telling my mind? Was that -for real?
The Channellors: It would be considered a teleport or more in line with the changing of the forces.
MK: In what area should we look -For jobs around here? Or should I look -for a job around here?
The Channellors This could be applied in the sundries of lumber, of wood, the telephone situations, corporations or department stores, 0+ big rug outlets, o major chemical and glassware appliances. Preferably, into the Charlottesville area, or you might -find it also necessary in the area o+ Scottsvi lle
MK: Thank you.
Beaura: In what area should I look -for a job?
The Channellors: This might be found in supermarket, in food chains, or in the undertaking of clothing and furniture appraisals. Also the past particular job, of course, (—-).
Beaura-(——) Oh thank you.
David: Could you tell us if Thomas Jefferson gave sessions?
The Channeilors: Correct
David: Who was spoken through?
The Channellors: It spoke through the mouth Question
David: What entity was it?
The Channellors: The entity could have been several. Question.
David: Did he get all the designs or the University of Virginia through the sessions?
The Channellors: Correct.
David: Was it originally supposed to be as you said a whole spiritual commune?
The Channeliors: Correct
David: How was it supposed to be set up?
The Channellors: Under certain stars. Question.
David: In the beginning of Ezekiel there are certain numbers: 3, 4, and 5. You said that there was a Pythagorean theorum?
The Chann&lors: It could have a solid foundation in this area.
David: What does that represent the theorum?
The Channellors: It represents the astral and the physical body merging on the spiritual level.
David: Is there any way it could be applied in architecture?
The Channeliors: You would find it in many architectural -forms and diagrams.
David: Also, is there any specific book in the Bible dealing with alchemy specifically?
The Channellors: You would find some in Proverbs, and some would be found in the Book of Judges Question.
David: Thank you.
Isis: What should be the color of the living room? And the color of the dining room? Three years ago we received that.
The Channeiiors: The pastel pink should gravitate to the dining room.
Isis So its the pink and green.
The Channellors: Correct.
Isis And the blue and the violet .,.lilac?
The Channellors: Gravitate that to the living room.
Isis: Thank you. Now, the arch in the hallway, is it the way I see it? Is that the way it should be done?
The Channeliors: You could put three arches in that one area.
Isis: Going straight or carving over what is now the doorway going down and then two more up to the bathroom?
The Channellors: That could be done very well.
Isis: Or should it be from the beginning of the hallway from the library wall one archway, another, and another?
The Channellors: That could be done also.
Isis: Which would you prefer?
The Channellors: Either one will be adequate.
Isis: Thank you. IS there anything that i could be doing in this situation?
The Channellors: Just keeping your mind open to corrective, saving techniques. Question.
Isis: How… the saving techniques where would I be getting it, or how can I really have any say about it?
The Channellors: This could be done to the application and receiving of certain ideas applying and discussing these ideas until they take shape and form.
Isis: And the building?
The Channellors: Correct. Question.
Hope Island: If I am to look for a job, which field should look into?
The Channellors: Women’s apparel.
Hope Island: And for Jacob who will be coming here to look for a job does he look in the same areas as you gave him two sessions ago?
The Channellors: This could be adequate. It could be done well. Also, working with children still could be applied.
Hope Island: Thank you.
The Channellors: Also in maintaining the position in job area for a moment could be applied until an attitude and certain circumstances are corrected.
Hope Island: Thank you.
Mark: Can you guide me at this time, specifically when I -first came into this group Tom had mentioned almost like a schedule I’d be -following of things to happen. Have I -fallen far behind that?
The Channellor’s: Let us say you have some movement still to happen.
MK: Is there anything else that I should be doing now? How can I develop an attitude of not running away or, working with things?
The Channellors: By just simply meeting the most difficult tasks with a most positive attitude and with a most assured feeling. question.
MK: Thank you.
Beaura: The dream I had the other night about my old boss could you tell me what that dream means?
The Channellors: This would be a changing of his consciousness and moving on to stronger responsibilities. Also a change within self.
Beaura: Thank you.
David: Could you tell me about the dream I had the other night about the third shadow of Christ?
The Channellors Representing the Forces of Wisdom coming through the earth.
David: What was the shadow?
The Channellors- Physical, mental, and the spiritual forms that are shadows in the earth. Question.
David: The tribe of Ephraim which was blessed before Manasseh when it should have been the other way around why was that?
The Channellors- This represents the physical force manifesting in the earth the spiritual force coming -First, but in reality the physical force appears to be first. Question.
David: Was Ephrairn the spiritual force?
The Channeilors: You would consider it a spiritual nature.
David: Why then in The Revelation Ephraim is not mentioned in the seal?
The Channellars: It is transported or transformed into the other force. Question.
David: Manasseh and Ephraim are one in Revelation?
The Channeilors: This would be adequate. Question.
David: Thank you.
Isis: Do you mean like the serpentine walls that we saw for the outside of our walls here in the front?
The Channellors: This could be done very well.
Isis: And am I correct that I am beginning to receive some information on it that eventually we ourselves can do it?
The Channellors: Correct. Question.
Isis: Also the fact that we are with that ice thing and all the rest of it that we can do it with back roads. Is that correct, too’?
The Chann&iors: This could be done also.
Isis: Now, with the entity Ruth should she come down shortly and et a job here’?
The Channellors: This is possible.
Isis: And with her, I assume something to do with school. A teacher of kindergarten or whatever?
The Channellors: Could be a teachers aide.
Isis: A teachers aide. And it would be here in Schuyler that she would apply or.
The Channellors: If the attitude was correct, it could be.
Isis: And if her attitude…
The Channellors: Then the searching begins.
Isis: I see. And …it wouldn’t be here?
The Channeulors: This could be, but it would take a certain amount of stress if it was in this locale.
Isis: But for RU it doesn’t matter?
The Channellors: RU has a different function all together.
Isis: Thank you very much. And is there anything…
The Channellors: In short, the entity could strive to work a place that’s near in the same area.
MK: In teaching or as a teacher there?
The Channellors: Correct.
Isis: That’s for Beaura, too?
The Channellors: This could be possible.
Isis: Is that what we do next?
The Channeliors: It would be possible.
Isis: I see. Is there anything that I could be doing?
The Channellors: Maintaining and functioning of the structural house-holdship in the area.
Isis: A I doing what I am supposed to be doing?
The Channellors: Striving to accomplish it.
Isis: Are there other things I should be doing that I’m “m not doing?
The Channeliors: This would come in time. Were not as fast as it should be now.
Isis: Are we somehow on any plan the way we’re moving?
The Channeliors: Correct.
Isis But that’s not the -First and foremost plan?
The Channellors: Correct.
Isis Could I hvae help getting it underway?
The Chann&lors It is being helped. Question.
Isis: Thank you very much.
Hope Island- The thought I Just had about perhaps if Jacob gets this job, there would be the possibility of financial aid here. Would this be according to your plan?
The Channellors: This could be adequate.
Hope Island: Thank you. Then, also, would it be better if I looked or a job or, if I would stay here in the house?
The Channellors: It would dictate to work in the house in harmony and in the plans dictated in the past. As the days move on, it could be for other reasons but at this moment responsibility would be in the house.
Hope Island: Thank you.
MK: Could you tell us more about Laban and the stories, I believe very confusing, he doesn’t come off too well, Jacob?
The Channellors: Jacob had certain problems that needed to be worked with. Laban was wise enough to work with them.
MK- Laban was a master at that time?
The Channe1iors: Could be considered such.
Beaura: In Proverbs 2? it says A c1ear, man can see into evil and hideth himself, but the simple pass on and are punished”. What does that mean?
The Channellors: It is to take time and use it properly, not to abuse the time and waste it. Question.
Beaura: With the dream about my boss, does that man he is going to be leaving Hertz and getting another job?
The Channeilors: It could mean a change in that direction. Question.
Beaura: Thank you.
David Will we ever be doing stonework for ouselves?
The Chann&iors: It could be (—) very nicely.
David- Out of soapstone?
The Channeflors: It would be possible sometimes expensive. Question.
David: Thank you.
Isis The house as its proceeding now with the plans, the arches in the different places, the domes, the hutches, the cabinets. Are they all according to plan?
The Chann&lors: Correct. We will watch over the group and will send certain financial help to ease the burdens We will also try to bring and manifest certain things to move it forward. Greetings to all here present now.
Group: Our Father, who art in the Heavens..