Session 20-9/4/72

Greetings to all here present now. It is of the nature that we did have the point of difficulty coming in to this room; the point of a skeptical mind, stopped us from entering, and we will not be treated as such. It is one thing to have your own superiors’ doing this, that when we come to help those here, and you are all too busy in your own desires, in your own feelings, in your own securities, you are no help; and we do not have to take this from anyone. But, we have consideration of the things that are going on in this new environment, and we are displeased at your selfishness between one and another. We have been watching those gathered here tonight, and it is not of the best nature. This session was not supposed to be planned, this moment, but because of other things, and desires, we occur that you related to it and offered our kind regards only to receive what we did. But, we forgive easily, we will not forget easily, but we understand what is happening. As far as your progress is concerned, this session is noted as the twentieth session recorded, and therefore, it is decisions to be made by those here. We will not fool around with you tonight, nor will we have to tell you of good things all the time, but most of all, to cooperate now under the strained conditions that you are confronted with. It is this nature that we are most concerned with.

[Audible voice change]

Greetings to all here now. In your relationship to those that you have gathered here, to listen and to hear, we have been preparing many, many tests for you to undertake. But most of all, you must know what is within you, that will bring out the kind thoughts, thoughts of the other. We have prescribed and watched the calendar year approach, that is the New Year, in the Judean, ideological, inventorial of their days. And it was in the T-I-S-H-I-T-E days, that the day of anew is approaching. And as it approaches, you all must all be observant to this New Year. Yom Kippur as what is said to be the beginning of or the end of. And Wa’sha’lan is the atonement of the hour on that day of what is known from the ninth of your given calendar year of this month September to the month of or day of eighteen, you will be in observance of your own thoughts or deeds. And on the eve of the seventeenth when the sun is set, it will be declared a fast day of no meats or foods, whatsoever. But the given in of liquids may be taken, until the next day, of eve of sunset of the eighteenth of September. Also, on the ninth, there will be another as established, the session, that is planned. In this we will discuss many unrealistic ideological, again truths, that have not been discussed with the group. And we shall reveal many things on this night to the group. We have and hope that the group will be prepared for such a night. It is a night that you all have been working to, and we do hope that it will be worth your while to prepare for this. As you can see, it is of great importance that I, the strong one come forth to speak to you tonight; for such arrogance that you have shown, only the strong one can come and talk to you in your minds. But as you have said and seen, your thoughts will only destroy yourselves, if you do not understand what the capacity of love can do to your life. We are understanding of your opportunities and environment that you are now under. It is by no means that you should strive to neglect your duties as of what must be done in this earth. Many, many great things shall come to pass, and many devastations that we have given you will start to manifest, and you shall see the glories of this one God of At Mun, that you must understand that he is the one and only supreme being above all and over all. It is of great importance that you understand one another during this days of atonement that is upon you. And be observant of your sins that you have committed. We are the guardians of the way and we have come here to implicate the strength in which we do work. We are not to be mocked, nor are we to be taken lightly. We are the ones that guide this Universe, and the galaxies that surround the other of spheres. I am through with this group this moment. For what I have said is the carrying of the message by us or the angel that I am.

[Audible voice change]

Greetings to all here present now. The group is of a child, that I have seen and watched you all grow. But there are times when even my own mind seems to play games. I wonder to you the group, why you all must cause such havoc-not only there where you sit, but where we are. We are not bothering anyone, and we have taken the time to help you. But like children, if God himself had a house on the earth, you will throw stones at his windows. It is to be expected, and therefore, we take it lightly, and most of all, I find a bit of humor in it. As you have heard, there are the days to come that is the atonement, and this replies to all that has happened, and seeing it to fit into the puzzle of the new year, a new existence, a new way of thought. We do hope that you bring into this house, the spirits of love and kindness, that we might manifest here, in the glory of God in person. That is: by the flames, by the light, by the heat, by the everlasting tabernacle that once was on the earth. We are preparing for such a thing. But it can be rectified, and it can be changed immediately, by dissatisfaction within the group. We ask the one who is named, Jay, on his windowsill at this very moment, I report him to go down and bring up the scroll. [Pause, footsteps] You are to place it on the rug in the middle, please. There it shall be as a symbol to the group; that this is the law of your God. This is our law, and this is what we abide by. As it was given to you in the beginning, so we give it to all here now. There shall be a wooden tabernacle made of what was Oak wood, or more in harmony we will change it that you should seek the vibratorial Mahogany, in which the inner part would be Oak, and the outer should be Mahogany, in which the nails that are used are not, but are what should be used is of a glue substance, that is of a milk form, and there shall be only thirteen [13] pegs used into and constructing such a box of. And inside this, you shall place within this the scroll that is a representative of our law. And you should have a candle to burn where it is appropriately possible or when one does enter into the area that the candle of creed be burned. We will reside in the upper room, and we will take over there when we are ready. It is that we are speaking two and three in one voice, and therefore when he speaks the law, it is not I that speaks but it is the guide that spoke and when I speak to you as a group, it is I that speaks, and that’s the law, therefore, be not but after then it’s the law of the law of the outer, and no abomination in the eyes of God.

[Recording Volume Inaudible]